Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Dream

Everything in sepia color

Scene I
I'm one of a group of people
all in their twenties
Somewhere in Europe WWII

Bombers coming
Run out of village
hide in fields

Scene II
In building looking at files
find packets of pictures and postcards
someone's ID
someone is coming
We think it is Nazis

Scene III
In room
2 US troops in charge
I tell them they need more files to hold documents
They don't pay much attention

Scene IV

Sitting in old world cafe with group
Rough tables and chairs

Looking at pictures from packet
charcoal drawings and sketches
beautiful artwork

photo images and portraits
on sepia colored paper
discussion about value and how to handle

Scene V

I wakeup!
Where did that come from?
I was 8 years old in 1945.
How did I get to be 20 years old?
In Europe?
Who were these people?

It was one of those dreams that makes you want to go back to see how it ends. And find out how you got there in the first place.

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