Friday, March 23, 2007


I was still three years old when my Grandma died in May 1941. I don't remember that. What I do remember was the Grandma and Aunt Marcella lived on the one side of our house and we had the other. Grandma was an old lady (80 years old) who was not very well and she spent a lot of time sitting in her rocking chair. My Aunt Marcella took care of grandma and really was like a second mother to me. When I wanted something that I couldn't get at home I would go over to their side of the house and ask Marcy. She would usually find a way to give me what I wanted. I remember asking her to read to me and she would. Or if I wanted coffee soup instead of what we were eating at home I could have it. That didn't always sit well with Mom.

I think it was in the spring of 1940, the year I turned three, that Aunt EmRose and Aunt Lois, who lived in Akron, Ohio, came for a visit. They were 57 and 58 years old at that time but to me they were really old. They were siting on the side porch along with Marcy and Grandma and of course I was out there with them. One of them got a banana washed it and laid it on the porch rail for me to find. I did find it and ask where it came from. They said that the Easter Bunny had laid it. Well I look it over and it was still wet because they had washed it. I wouldn't it because the Easter Bunny had laid it and it was still wet. They got a big kick out of that and that story got told over and over.

That same year Dad and Uncle Joe decide to have a wiener roast up on top of the hill behind the house. There was a kind of trail that went up to the top of the hill and Dad loaded Gandma, Marcy, Mom, and me in the old Buick and drove to the top. The other kids hd to walk.

After Grandma died in May of 1941, Marcy joined the St Joseph Sisters convent in Erie. She took the name St Emily Rose. Her sister Margaret , Sister Jane Francis, was all ready there, having joined in 1914 when she was 17years old.

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