Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I started this blog to comment and talk about ordinary life, from growing up to getting old. It was not suppose to be about wars and current events, but I keep getting pulled into talking about Iraq and Israel and foreign aid and the Bush Administration.

Nationalism, religion, and control of resources produce the seeds of conflict. Authoritarian attitudes, lack of tolerance and inability to compromise and a failure to communicate bring about an escalation of disagreements to the point of conflict. Conflict continues so long as both side maintain the belief that they are in the right and both have the resources to continue fighting. When people quit talking, negotiating and trying to understand each other they begin to build fences, verbal and real. When we don't talk and don't try to achieve a middle ground,that allows each side to see that half a loaf is better than no loaf; marriages end in divorce, friendships end in assaults, and national disagreements end in wars.

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